News in Meowdz' community / Cat-z' studios



as some people know I have many alts but dont forget the secret to be revealed on may 27th 2023

I also have nothing special going on, I do plan to voice reveal sometime in 2023, so happy new years and I will be taking a break for 2023-

just beat night 1 of FNaF forgotten memories the roblox game, its not gonna be the voice reveal, why? because my PC sucks and it cant get a clear voice its just like static and robot like anyways expect a video.

Btw when I'm bored and can I stream rainbow six siege on my twitch, it's just gameplay from my xbox

Happy Halloween!

Tap-tap lite is probably crying rn bc the game is actually coming to android devices, we don't need to use their service.

Dev log: MEEEW

You can play as Max, Jack, or Munchkin.

DEV LOG: CaZ is in beginning stage

- Added the 2 maps, CaT sTaSh, 1C9Z

CaT sTaSh is in an old military base

1C9Z is the after math of MaZ (Munchkin and Zombies)

- made seperate zombie types, like the very weak zombies for 1C9Z or the moderate in CS


HD mode ON

dev log: I'm waiting like you are.

- added zombie kick, meant for a challenge. one shot kill but you manually shoot it with a crosshair that follows your mouse.

- added halloween/release date message. a cat pumpkin shows up in the top middle saying-